Masterful Nature

[The calming powers of Green]

I forget this all the time.

Nature is where we belong, where we connect with ourselves.

It replenishes us.


Many of us sit in front of computer screens all day.

If we don’t, we usually live in urban areas that don’t have much in common with nature.

As I live in an urban area, last Friday I decided to connect with nature.

I had put it off for weeks, there was always something “more important”.

To say the least: I did not regret it!

I went to a creek and explored the area with my dog (here is a picture):

My dog Luke :)


We are a part of nature and as such, we need to make time to connect with it.

This week’s idea is short:

Schedule a date with nature every two weeks.

Put it on your calendar and define where you’re going to beforehand.

It doesn’t have to be a long hike or a crazy run.

Just get in the woods, listen to the sounds, smell the smells and explore.

Why does this work?

There are many proven benefits of being in nature, here are a few:

  • Increase in Endorphins - Reduces pain and induces a sense of pleasure

  • Increase in Serotonin - Regulates the mood & makes you happy

  • Increase in Dopamine - Makes you enjoy the moment and relaxes you

  • Decrease in Cortisol - Decreased stress and increased relaxation

So, what are you waiting for?

There are only benefits of being in nature, schedule your first date now!

Until next week,


P.S.: A warm welcome to the ones who joined since the last week!

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