Masterful Compounding

[The 1% rule]

We all know those social media posts that go like:

“Six months of hardcore focus can put you five years ahead in life.”

Reading this makes me cringe.

That sounds exhausting.

And like I won’t have much family, friends, fitness or joy left after…

Why do we always have to go hardcore?


What if instead we made sure we are consistently getting better over a long period of time?

Maybe 1%

Look what would happen after only 1 year:

As James Clear puts it:

“If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.”

What can we learn from this?

  1. Life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

  2. Sometimes we won’t see immediate results, but massive ones later on.

  3. Try to be a little better than yesterday and you will see magic happen.

  4. Sometimes day by day, nothing changes. But when we look back one year, everything is different.

I challenge you to do this:

Everyday, be a little kinder.

Everyday, learn something.

Everyday, compete with yesterday.

Don’t beat yourself up when you skip a day or two, but never fail to get back on track.

You need to make yourself THE priority.

Small changes over time = insane results.

Have a wonderful week,


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